Don't be overwhelmed about becoming a college student! We will support you step-by-step through every process — financial aid and any paperwork or applications — until you are enrolled at your chosen college. The Cheaha Educational Opportunity Center is available to increase your chances of attending college and embarking on a rewarding career!
Gadsden State Community College has received a federal grant to open the Cheaha Educational Opportunity Center to serve four counties: Calhoun, Cherokee, Cleburne and Etowah. The goal of the Cheaha EOC Project is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in college.
It will provide opportunities for academic development; assistance in applying for college enrollment and financial aid; and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their high school equivalency and their postsecondary education. The EOC will provide the following services to eligible participants:
- Academic tutoring
- Advice and assistance in courses selection
- Assistance in preparing for college entrance examinations
- Completion of college admissions applications
- Information and assistance regarding FAFSA and other financial aid opportunities
- Guidance on secondary school reentry or entry to a GED program
- Career workshops and counseling
- Academic counseling
- Financial literacy seminars
The project will serve up to 850 eligible participants each year during the grant’s first lifecycle of five years.
The EOC is one of seven TRiO programs at Gadsden State and only one of two community colleges with an EOC. TRiO programs are federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds. The Cheaha EOC is fully funded by a grant of $232,050 by the U.S. Department of Education.
Want more information? Fill out this EOC INTEREST FORM and we'll contact you to help!
Spanish Application (email the completed form to
For more information:
Dr. Cheryl Sington, Director
Paula Hillan McLaury, Outreach Advisor
Counties: Calhoun, Cleburne
Nakia Palmer, Outreach Advisor
Counties: Cherokee, Etowah